Author: WeedThought

Why was the stoner a great gardener?

He had a green thumb!

Why did the stoner eat his homework?

Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake!

A well-timed puff can turn an ordinary moment into an extraordinary experience.

A well-timed puff can turn an ordinary moment into an extraordinary experience.

How do you know a stoner has been using your computer?

There’s Visine all over the screen!

Imagine a joint as a bookmark in the story of the day. Cannabis, the plot twist, unfolds in fragrant chapters, making every toke a narrative of tranquility.

Imagine a joint as a bookmark in the story of the day. Cannabis, the plot…

Imagine a joint as a pause button for stress. Cannabis, the remote control of relaxation, allows the mind to take a break and enjoy the cinematic journey of tranquility.

Imagine a joint as a pause button for stress. Cannabis, the remote control of relaxation,…

What do you call a stoner with a flashlight?

A baked potato!

How does a stoner exercise?

By lifting bongs!

Why did the stoner open a weed dispensary?

He wanted to be joint CEO!

Cannabis Comedy Galore: Unveiling the Humor in Herbal Highs

Cannabis Comedy Galore: Unveiling the Humor in Herbal Highs Welcome to the world of cannabis…