Search Results for: Gup

DJ Smoke – Hybrid

DJ Smoke Parents Name: Short Name: DJ Smoke is another beautiful Flo cross created by…

Clementine Kush – Hybrid

Clementine Kush Parents Name: Short Name: Clementine Kush is the lovechild of Tangerine Sunrise and…

Chupacabra – Hybrid

Chupacabra Parents Name: Hawaiian Short Name: Haw Chupacabra looks like a sativa and acts like…

Chem Jong Ill – Hybrid

Chem Jong Ill Parents Name: Chemdawg 4 Short Name: Cd4 This sativa-dominant cross is for…

Bootlegger – Hybrid

Bootlegger Parents Name: AK-47 Short Name: Ak Bootlegger is a potent cross of AK-47 and…