Black Cherry Cheesecake – Hybrid

Black Cherry Cheesecake

Parents Name: Black Cherry Soda Short Name: Bcs

Thought to have originated in Southern Oregon from an unknown breeder, Black Cherry Cheesecake is an indica-dominant hybrid that supposedly crosses Black Cherry Soda, Super Silver Haze, and Cheese. These large, pink-tinged purple flowers smell like cherries and sugar, and possess a flavor that is aptly described by the name. Black Cherry Cheesecake leaves users relatively clear-headed while providing strong, sedating body sensations that can make motivation difficult.

Flavors: Sweet, Berry, Pungent, Chemical

Effects: Euphoric, Happy , Hungry, Relaxed , Sleepy, Depression , Lack of Appetite, Nausea , Pain, Stress , Dizzy, Dry Eyes , Dry Mouth, Paranoid , Anxious

Search for These effects on Amazon:
Euphoric, Happy , Hungry, Relaxed , Sleepy, Depression , Lack of Appetite, Nausea , Pain, Stress , Dizzy, Dry Eyes , Dry Mouth, Paranoid , Anxious

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Author: WeedThought

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