Cherry Slyder – Hybrid

Cherry Slyder

Parents Name: Northern Lights #5 Short Name: N5

Cherry Slyder is a balanced hybrid cross of Northern Lights #4 and Afghani. It offers a sweet, fruit-forward flavor accompanied by earthy, woody notes that speak to the strain‰Ûªs Afghani genetics. The effects are relaxing without being overly weighted, helping consumers stimulate appetite while discarding anxiety and stress. The effect remains functional while taking the edge off repetitive tasks or chores.

Flavors: Sweet, Earthy, Pine,

Effects: Focused, Happy , Relaxed, Uplifted , Pain, , , , , , , , , ,

Search for These effects on Amazon:
Focused, Happy , Relaxed, Uplifted , Pain, , , , , , , , , ,

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Author: WeedThought

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