Endless Sky – Indica

Endless Sky

Parents Name: Short Name:

Endless Sky by Greenthumb Seeds is an indica strain bred from Grenadine and an Iranian landrace. Just as we might expect from a strain named ‰ÛÏEndless Sky,‰Û this strain delivers a spacey, dreamy indica experience recommended for nighttime consumption. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor gardens, Endless Sky undergoes a 42 to 50 day flowering period and grows best with hydroponics.

Flavors: Sweet, Berry, Flowery, Butter

Effects: Euphoric, Happy , Hungry, Relaxed , Sleepy, Depression , Headaches, Lack of Appetite , Pain, Stress , Dry Mouth, , , ,

Search for These effects on Amazon:
Euphoric, Happy , Hungry, Relaxed , Sleepy, Depression , Headaches, Lack of Appetite , Pain, Stress , Dry Mouth, , , ,

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Author: WeedThought

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